Category: My blog
More than a month has gone by while I did not need to comment on current affairs or moan about something. So life must be treating me well. The weather gods certainly did as it has been glorious and Nature everywhere is absolutely exploding. The garden is at its most beautiful and was duly admired…
Long time no see. Last week we had some sunny April days that fooled you into thinking it was summer already. So time had to be spent on DIY outdoors such as painting all the house doors and keeping them open for 14 hours to dry. After that it was lovely to catch some vitamin…
The Easter holidays finished and as usual I am confronted with one of my gripes: Bank computer servers apparently go on holiday too! You send some money to one of your accounts on Good Friday only to find out it has not been handled until after Easter Monday. And here I was thinking in these…
Yesterday I suddenly felt my age as my eldest son turned 30. As he said to me : I can remember you when you turned 40, weird! And I was what the doctors at the time called “an older mum”. His birth was quite something and an experience I never wanted to repeat again. All…
Had to change the title of my website somewhat as Sylvia’s world is a strip joint in the US apparently and I was getting some weird friend requests.
Apparently this day exists since 1914. I first thought it was just another one of those new days to celebrate that women are different from men. I would much prefer a International People day. Look at the poster. A woman with long flowing hair and large earrings. You know what they say about the size…
As I have been hibernating due to the freezing weather i will share some of my favorite Mark Twain sayings There are three types of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics I have been told that Wagner’s music is better than it sounds My books are water; those of great geniuses are wine. Everybody…
Every day we the news they are full of stories about how cold it is or going to be the next few days. Hold on to your seats: it will be below 0! Maybe someone should explain to these people that it is winter and this is normal and…
Reading my last blogs I have come to the conclusion that I have to stop writing them late at night or at 5 in the morning. They read more like a stream of conscientiousness than structured essays. But as I am pretty sure hardly anyone is reading them I have decided to push on writing…
Started to write a new category called Snippets as part of my Memories 1968 SC. Sometimes I suddenly remember little anecdotes of my childhood that I would like to share with my offspring, but when I don’t write them down I forget. Snippet 1 is about the way our parents brought us up which was…
- 1968 SC (3)
- About me (1)
- Harbour City Midland (1)
- My blog (28)
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- My writing (3)
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