
Amazing how legislators of all the EU countries can get together and discuss the problem we are having with plastic in the environment and come up with the solution to forbid plastic earbud sticks, straws and to have caps attached to the millions of plastic bottles being used by everyone. And it will all first have to be put to their respective governments.
When you think of the mountains of plastic floating in our oceans, the mountains of plastic in our woods and parks, you have to think.. REALLY??? Are these people blind and stupid? They also gave countries a few years to put this meager little plan in action in 5 to 10 years. In 5 to 10 years it will be too late for many species including ourselves. Though the latter’s demise would naturally solve the whole problem. Please use anything else when shopping but plastic and bring your own reusable bags.

In the United States everyone is getting worked up about their Midterm elections. 
Quite a few packages containing explosives were sent to Democrat leaders and supporters and guess what? Not a single tweet about it from Trump. Only 2 days later a tweet that he agreed with his Vice president when he said what a bad thing it was.
Now there was a lot of sympathy generated for the intended victims and Trumps hate mongering has turned back on him. So could it be that the democrats pulled this stunt themselves? I mean none of the bombs actually reached their targets. Or did one of the many dumbo supporters of Trump think it would be a good idea to pull this stunt? Hard to say. It will be interesting to follow.

Last week it was time to say Goodbye to my youngest who went off to fulfill one of his dreams of trotting the globe. He will start in Asia and then go on to Australia. He went with a school friend and if I am to believe the many websites of travelers he is not alone. A week before my cousin’s daughter and her friend, 21 years old, went the same way for 6 months. I do admire them and think they are going about living and working much better than we did. And as they will probably have to work until they are 80 or more, they should take the advantage of being unbound to see the world.
My son and his buddy made a nice website ( he is a web developer) I will put the address here https://nomad-souls.com
Hopefully they will write something other than their profile. 
As they say in Game of Thrones : Winter is coming. Normally I would be a bit sad about it but after this prolonged hot and very dry season it feels good to be cool. Our dog who even though she is Spanish hates the heat definitely looks more happy every day.

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